It's time to put some life into this blog again and more importantly; it's time for another project! This time it's all about that unused skincare.

Welcome to the summer skin project that runs from the start of June to the end of August!

If you're anything like me you have your fair share of unused skincare in your stash that needs to be used up before it goes bad. You may also want to simplify your skincare routine because you are not someone that can commit to a multi-step routine every day. For me I rarely remember to do anything unless I've been wearing makeup and I can easily go several days without even washing my face in the evening (yes, ew, and yes, my therapist said there's a high probability I have ADHD). This is why I want to start a simple project that shouldn't be too difficult to stick to. It's all about doing the bare minimum (whatever that looks like for you personally) and using up your products slowly but steadily.

So, create a minimalist skincare routine. This is what mine will look like.
(the things in brackets are optional if it's one of those days)

AM: (wash face), put on sun screen.
PM: wash face, (moisturize)

whenever I remember and feel like it: face mask

It really shouldn't be a lot of steps. You're supposed to be able to stick to it without too much difficulty.

Then it's time to pick your products. The fun part. This is where you get to ignore what the label says and only think about the actual function of the product. Does it provide moisture to your face? It's a moisturizer! Who cares if it says "serum" or "eye cream" on the label? Use it strictly for its function! Does it clean your face? It's a cleanser not just a makeup remover! Does it say hand lotion? Tonight your entire body is a hand! Ignore everything but the actual function of the product.

To make it easier for you to see what your stash actually includes it might be helpful to sort all of your opened products into categories. Also include your samples as those should be used up too.

If you have products in your stash that provide a function you don't actually need or want in your routine you have two options. You can either just declutter the product to a friend who would use it or you can add it to your "whenever I remember" category. Just try not to have too many products in your whenever category at once during the project because that can become overwhelming. For instance, I'm only including single use face masks in mine to begin with, but I'll also be using body lotion whenever I feel like it. The only difference is that my focus will be on the face masks.

I recommend you start by choosing products that you think you'll use up fairly fast, like samples (give yourself that dopamine!), but try not to chance up your routine too much. That way it'll be easier to know which products actually work for you and which don't (this only applies to if you actually had a routine to begin with).

This is what mine will look like in the beginning.

I'll be focusing on using up my samples first. As I said, I don't have a proper routine so I can hopefully get away with some samples at first. Once they're used up I'll move on to the products in the bottom row. A micellar water for cleansing, a day cream for moisturizer (even though I'll use it at night), a sunscreen, and then an almost empty face mask.

Once you've built your simple routine, you start using the products (Duh!) and whenever you finish something roll in something new in its place. Keep this going for the entirety of the project or until you've run out of products to roll in. The goal is to have your stash down to only what works for you and you actually use (!!!) Don't forget that last detail. If you've run out of something necessary and don't have anything in your stash to replace it with you've succeeded and can go out and buy what you actually want to use for that purpose.

So to summarize,

1. Define the absolute bare necessities for you skincare wise. Like washing your face and putting on sunscreen. Write it down.
2. Add in brackets what your skin benefits from, like moisturizer.
3. Sort your opened products and samples into categories depending on function not the label. If a serum moisturizes then it's a moisturizer.
4. Pick a product for each category you wrote down and add it to your project.
5. (if needed) Create a "whenever I feel like it/remember to" category and choose a product to add to your project. This can be something like a face mask or a serum that you won't use every day, but that you want to focus on using up. Don't add more than one or two products here. We don't want it to get overwhelming. You can still use products that aren't included in this project, but we want the focus to be on as few as possible.
6. Use the products! Roll in something new from the categories once you've run out.
7. The project ends the last of August, but feel free to continue after that. It'll most likely take longer than just three months to get through your stash.

Happy panning and please use the hashtag #summerskinproject onn social media so I can interact with you!

Much love,

